Rabbiner Dr. 

Stephen Lewis Fuchs

Stephen Lewis Fuchs wurde 1946 in East Orange, New Jersey USA geboren und hat von Kindheit an, durch das Studium hindurch und 38 Jahre als Rabbiner in drei Gemeinden, sowie als Präsident der Weltunion für progressives Judentum liberales Judentum gelebt, reflektiert und gestaltet. Zentral ist für ihn die Relevanz der Tora für das tägliche Leben, was für ihn soziales und gesellschaftliches Engagement und interreligiösen Dialog einschließt. Sein Vater und die Eltern seiner Ehefrau Viktoria sind in der Nazi-Zeit aus Deutschland geflohen. Seit 2014 besuchen beide in Deutschland Schulen und Gemeinden, um für gegenseitiges Verständnis und Respekt zu werben. 

Mutual blessing edition hat zwei seiner Bücher in drei Sprachen verlegt.

about:    Rabbi Stephen Lewis Fuchs

Rabbi Stephen Lewis Fuchs is Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Beth Israel, West Hartford, Connecticut and the former President of the World Union for Progressive Judaism. During his tenure with the World Union he spoke in 65 communities on five continents stressing the approach to Torah and human values that his books represent.  Before coming to Congregation Beth Israel he served first as an intern and then as the first full-time Rabbi of Temple Isaiah in Columbia, Maryland and at The Temple, Congregation Ohabai Sholom in Nashville, Tennessee.  Rabbi Fuchs received his undergraduate degree at Hamilton College in Clinton New York. He holds both Bachelor and Master’s Degrees in Hebrew Letters, along with a Graduate Certificate in Jewish Communal Studies and rabbinic ordination from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. He also studied at Ulpan Etzion and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In 1992 he earned a Doctor of Ministry degree in Biblical Interpretation from Vanderbilt University Divinity School. In 1999 the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion awarded him an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree.  Rabbi Fuchs has served as an adjunct professor at the Lutheran Theological Seminary of Philadelphia, University of Saint Joseph in West Hartford and the Hartford Seminary. He has also appeared frequently on radio and television to discuss currents events and issues of hunger, health care, the meaning of biblical stories and the similarities and differences between Judaism and other faith traditions.  Since 2014 Rabbi Fuchs and his wife Victoria have spent several month in Germany raising Holocaust awareness in secondary schools and speaking in synagogues, churches and universities. Rabbi Fuchs is the first rabbi to deliver a sermon in most of the German churches he has visited.  Rabbi and Mrs. Fuchs are the proud parents of three children and five grandchildren.


Falter 20210122.pdf (3.5MB)
Falter 20210122.pdf (3.5MB)

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Flyer für Verlag A4 englisch.pdf (1.13MB)
Flyer (english)
Flyer für Verlag A4 englisch.pdf (1.13MB)



mutual blessing edition


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